Mission Accomplished for today! Here at Ceebee Gold Foundation, we are grateful for the support we can give back to our community. Whatever work we do, we make sure to do it proudly and always find a unique way to approach helping others. A big thank you to Forever Manchester forever for the support.
Grant awarded by Greater Manchester BAME Network, with Technical Support from GMCVO with Funds from Comic Relief
This project has been sponsored by VOICE 4 CHANGE ENGLAND to help the Black, Asian, minority Ethnics (BAME) with Groceries through the COVID 19-second Lockdown .and also it has impacted on the community whereby they have felt they are not isolated and left alone, rather they have now a place they belong to through all this pandemic period.
This project, has been sponsored by COOP in conjuction with FOREVER MANCEHSTER to help those living on the edge due to covid 19 pandemic with Groceries and cooked food.
This project, has been sponsored by COMIC RELIEF to help the Black, Asian, minority Ethnics (BAME) with Groceries through the COVID 19 second Lock down .and also it has impacted on the community whereby they have felt they are not isolated and left alone, rather they have now a place they belong to through all this pandemic period.
Ceebee Gold Foundation
is committed to help those who have been affected with Corona Virus Pandemic
Your Donations will go along way to help those affected in different ways and those
who have been left destitute due to lack of Income
ACCOUNT:70766060 / SORT CODE: 309091
Nigeria bank Account GTB 0456634681 Ceebee gold foundation International
To stay updated with the Cororna Virus Pandemic updates,
This project, a one off response to the Coronavirus pandemic will particularly cheer up these elders and at least as long as it lasts will virtually remove loneliness and isolation. They will feel a sense of belonging, feel at home and cared for. The project has the capacity to connect with these elders to map out a relationship in the future that may completely take them out of isolation and social exclusion or connect them with fellow elders with whom to develop everlasting friendship and relationship.
The lockdown, particularly for the over 60 years of age Black Elders, who live alone in the Greater Manchester area Black Communities, CeeBee Gold has decided to support this target group by making and delivering cooked (hot) CULTURAL MEALS to them every Saturday for 10 weeks. We have identified 50 Black Elders from different Countries who live in and around the Greater Manchester area who need this service. We have established the country they originally came from (Nigeria, Ghana Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Jamaica, Barbados etc), we will then recruit Food Hygiene and Certificated volunteer cooks to cook traditional meals of those countries of origin and delivered meals to the following all the Government directives on the Coronavirus pandemic for safety. Volunteers dressed in PPEs will deliver to the elders' add, dresses, however, they would have been contacted by phone that they are on their way. This project is only a response to this pandemic and is just to put some smiles on the faces of these elders in the face of despair, fear, loneliness, isolation, and social exclusion
After a successful run of phase one of the project, we have launchesd our Phase 2 from August of the Ceebeegold Foundation Covid 19 ermergency Outreach in the Oldham area, sponsored by Forever Manchester.
From 27th of May, most of the people out of work in Manchester have benefited £30 Cash from Ceebee gold foundation international during the COVID 19 pandemic in Greater Manchester and over 180 different families have been supported with food Aids all-around Greater Manchester.
This was made possible with the help from funding from FOREVER MANCHESTER. Our sincere gratitude goes to them for funding our project
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
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