Located in Openshaw, Ceebee Gold Foundation is a charitable organisation dedicated to uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds to address common experiences and enhance their quality of life.
"Our primary aim is to combat isolation and depression prevalent amongst elderly individuals and those coping with mental health issues, particularly within the Black minority community" says Bola Olayemi, founder of Ceebee Gold Foundation.
Ceebee Gold hosts a Food Bank, as well as a variety of regular activities aimed at benefitting the community. Activities and workshops include social groups, yoga sessions, light exercise sessions such as running and walks, cooking workshops, and much more. Additionally, Ceebee Gold brings in facilitators to conduct sessions, with a current focus on developing a programme to educate the Black minority community on blood pressure monitoring and healthier eating habits.
The foundation strives to create a supportive and safe environment for its members, all whilst promoting healthy practices within the community that can be taken forward, outside of sessions.
Ceebee Gold Foundation cares deeply about our community's health. The director , Bola Olayemi went under training at Nuffield Health to become a Blood Pressure Champion. She focuses on the black community, as many people are unaware of their high blood pressure. This can lead to sudden illness or death.
Ceebee Gold Foundation runs different educational programs to rehabilitate widows, widowers, orphans, abandoned children, less privileged and disabled children in Nigeria and in the UK.
We also run kitchens that feed the vulnerable and supply them with basic needs like fresh clean water, clothing and bedding and shelter.
Ceebee Gold Foundation runs Talent search programs for the less privileged providing platforms for exposure. We also empower the less privileged with Skills acquisition programmes that can guarantee them employment in the long run.
Ceebee Gold runs mobile kitchens which feeds homeless people in Manchester -United Kingdom and in Nigeria.These mobile kitchens are run according to how and when we get funding from well wishers
Ceebee Gold Foundation creates awareness and provides support to environmental protection and preservation so together we can live in a better and habitable world.
We also run cleaning operations within Manchester area cleaning Parks and public places with other members and Volunteers when available.
Now and again, we run various community building projects including cooking together, Barbecue , celebrating Christmas with the lonely , visiting and shopping for the old.. This aims to bring the community together as we live in a diversified community, our aim is to bring people of different ethnic and religious background together , the old and the young.
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